Hike Report Archive

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hike Report - Niagara 3 lower part of the Upper Canada Heritage side trail and both parts of the Paul Naray Side trail

4.2 km to 16.2 km Marker
Leader: John N

Hikers: John N., Karen, Peter, Anita, Ann, Shirley, Carol, Joanne, Margaret, Jennifer, Jim, Manu, Richard John G and Rudi

It was a cool but sunny start as we began our hike at km 4.2 on the main trail. The beginning of the trail follows the railway bed of the old New York Central Railway. Soon we passed under highway 405 and then reached Fireman’s Park. Sections of the trail were covered in water that we carefully avoided but many muddy sections were unavoidable and our boots and pants were proof of that.

Crossing a small stream we came to the QEW highway and crossed over it using a pedestrian bridge along side the railway track. At one point we saw a pot-bellied pig grazing as we passed by on a road and at another point there was a deer (a buck) that we encountered and it limped away as we approached. 

We passed through a concrete tunnel known locally as the “Screaming Tunnel” and there was a stream of water flowing through the tunnel. Avoiding the water totally was not possible, so we carefully found the shallowest parts of the water and zigzagged our way through without getting our feet wet.

We reached the Woodend Conservation Area just in time for lunch. We sat on the deck at the side of the house and had a comfortable lunch. 

Resuming our hike we stopped at the Paul Naray Silurian Side Trail East while Joanne and several others continued on the Main Trail and the rest of the group took the side trail. Soon we all met again at the cars 

parked at km 16.2 and finished our hike on what was now a sunny and unusually warm Dec 1st day.
At the Fire Hall Pub we enjoyed a beverage of choice, settled accounts and looked forward to another enjoyable hike in the future.

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