Hike Report Archive

Monday, September 19, 2011

Hike Report - Dufferin Hi-Land, including Primrose Side trail and Prince of Wales Side trail

10.0 km to 17.8 km
Hike Leader: John Nourse
Hikers: John N, Karen N, John G. Jim , Rudi, Carol, Shirley, Peter, Vicki, Elizabeth and Roy
A Cloudy Day, the hike began by dropping folks off at the start and then driving cars to the end and returning with the drivers (this was done to save on driving and shuttle while it was still not raining.
We followed over the fields over several stiles and noted the spot where John G had sunk up to his waist in snow. It was much easier hiking this time. Following through a pine forest we emerged onto Side road 30 and proceeded up the old Hurontario Street to Hwy 89. Elizabeth and Roy wisely departed there for Pete’s Donuts since this was the first hike for them and this was our planned drop out point with just 1km downhill to wait for the rest. We crossed Hwy 89 and proceeded on a long downhill passing the Boyne Valley Side trail (left for the next hike).

With some steep up hills we came to the Primrose side trail to explore. The first part was deceptively easy but pretty. After we crossed Hwy 19 it became very steep but we proceeded up to the right and around the loop and joined the Prince of Wales side trail to exit on Hwy 19. No cars to be seen but we turned right up the hill and found our cars waiting at the end. Just in time after we got into the cars it poured rain. One car to pick up the cars at the start and the other to Pete’s where at first we wondered where Elizabeth and Roy were but they soon came across the road from the Burger place.

The hike was on the more difficult side but enjoyed for the challenge.

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