Section: Iroquoia Hikes; a) Hike 7, Hwy 6/Old Guelph Rd to Sydenham Lookout (km 64.5 to km 58.4 for 6.1km) and b) Hike 7, Fisher Access Trail to King Rd, km 78.6 to km 73.3 for 6.7 km. Aggregate hikes 12.7 km.
Hike Leader: John
As usual, today’s hikers assembled at Colborne Centre where Leader John reviewed the hike plan and the group departed to position two cars at Sydenham Lookout.
From here, the Trail passes Borer’s Falls
and across Borer’s Falls Creek bridge then enters the Borer’s Falls Conservation Area to arrive back at Sydenham Lookout at km 64.5.
From here, the Trail passes Borer’s Falls
and across Borer’s Falls Creek bridge then enters the Borer’s Falls Conservation Area to arrive back at Sydenham Lookout at km 64.5.
After collecting and repositioning cars, the group started Hike 7 at the Fisher Access Trail
then, at km 78.6, south on the main Trail towards and across Cedar Springs Rd, through a young woodlot, to reach Signal Hill at Dundas St.
After crossing the highway, we soon turn left onto the Ian Reid Side Trail which runs through part of Burlington City Park.
Following a brief lunch stop and rest, at a small creek bridge crossing, the Side Trail climbs and re-joins the Main Trail at km 75.7 then up hill to the Escarpment edge, up a short, steep ascent and along the Escarpment brow skirting Kerncliff Park. Throughout the late morning, the snow base has become somewhat ‘slushy’, as the warmer temperature has begun to melt some of the snow in the open areas. Once across Kerns Rd we soon reach the King Side Trail
on our right and some 1.2 km further we re-join the main Trail at km 73.9, then, passing a lookout with views of Burlington and Lake Ontario, we arrive at King Rd, km 73.3, the end of our planned hike and having completed an aggregate of 12.7 km.
then, at km 78.6, south on the main Trail towards and across Cedar Springs Rd, through a young woodlot, to reach Signal Hill at Dundas St.
After crossing the highway, we soon turn left onto the Ian Reid Side Trail which runs through part of Burlington City Park.
Following a brief lunch stop and rest, at a small creek bridge crossing, the Side Trail climbs and re-joins the Main Trail at km 75.7 then up hill to the Escarpment edge, up a short, steep ascent and along the Escarpment brow skirting Kerncliff Park. Throughout the late morning, the snow base has become somewhat ‘slushy’, as the warmer temperature has begun to melt some of the snow in the open areas. Once across Kerns Rd we soon reach the King Side Trail
on our right and some 1.2 km further we re-join the main Trail at km 73.9, then, passing a lookout with views of Burlington and Lake Ontario, we arrive at King Rd, km 73.3, the end of our planned hike and having completed an aggregate of 12.7 km.
Report by Rudi, Photos by John and Jim
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