Hike Report : Beaver Valley 2 including both Matcalf Crevice side trail and Chuck Grant side trail
Section: Beaver Valley 2 Marker 19.1 to 34.7 +
also included were Matcalf Crevice side trail and Chuck Grant side trail
Hike Leader for the Blue & White Team - John N
Hike Leader for the Classic end-to-end team - Rudi
Hikers: John N, John G, Eldon along with
Classic Hikers, Jen, Roy, Carol, John Nich, Rudi Margaret, Diane, Bill and Stephen
We Met Bill and the one day hikers at 9:00 am. Our whole group hiked along the white trail until John G, John N and Eldon Broke off to a blue side trail the Chuck Grant Side Trail. The Trail was a mix of terrain.
It was cooling to walk in the shade along the creek. Leaving a note at the junction of the trail we walked a short distance to Metcalk rock.
We met rock climbers and saw a unique braided tree in the Metcalf Rock Crevice side trail. After a water break and a snack we walked back to the white trail. While stopped for lunch the rest of the hikers caught up wo us. After lunch we all hiked out together to the cars where we compared blisters. Some of the hikers did the next part of the hiking on the road to lessen the distance for Saturday. Glad to be finished, “ no Pain no Gain” arriving back at the condo it was a “Cool ” beverage and a sho
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