Hike Report Archive

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hike Report:-Toronto 4 Winter -including Limehouse Black Creek, Brown Benton Canada Goose and Vanderleck side trails

 Leader: John N
 Hikers: Rudi, Margaret, John G, Joanne and John N

Section: Toronto 4 Winter - 9 km  marker 15.04 to 20.09  including Limehouse Black Creek, Brown Benton Canada Goose and Vanderleck side trails

We decided on this hike because the planned Dufferin hike had a large spring snow fall and predictions of rain. The hike started on a very cloudy day with sprinkles of rain.

 We went from North to south . The initial trail went down two sets of ladders through the Hole in the Wall a spectacular rock formation.

 We then hiked on the Black Creek side trail; it had some excellent vistas through the thinly leafed forest down to the creek.


The forest had a plethora of Trillium’s blooming.

 Since we had potential for rain John led the hike very quickly, returning to the main trail in ½ hour.
 Our next side trail was the Brown Benton Side trail, passing over a few fields, we passed over a new access road for hydro towers and after crossing 4th line

 we started down the Canada Goose side trail. The trail went through a hardwood forest and we passed quite near to the Dufferin Aggregates quarry. 

We passed the Sign for the Third Line Side trail and then went down the Third Line road allowance (dirt road) and back on the main trail and on to the Vanderleck Side trail. When we took a bridge over a stream we noticed the beautiful March Marigolds growing in the stream.

 The hike was very quick, under 2 hours and we missed any heavy rain.  We met for our after hike debrief at Tims, a quick but enjoyable hike.

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