Hike Report Archive

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hike Report - Niagara 6, Rockway & Louth side trails

Hike Leader: John Giesbrecht
Hikers: John G, John N, Ann, Shirley, JoAnne, Peter, Jim, Rudi
Drivers: John G, JoAnne, Jim, Rudi

Section: Niagara 6, marker 41.7 to marker 51.0 for 11.0km including ROckway and Louth Side trails, Ed. 26.0

We started out on a sunny winter day, parked two cars at our planned end point near marker 51.0 off Staff Ave along Louth Conservation Area and then proceeded to Roland Rd to park in a lot adjacent to Short Hills Park, just above Swayze Falls.

From here we proceed and acess the main Trail at marker 41.7,near the observation deck overlooking Swayze Falls. Here we head west through a wooded area, across a steel bridge and proceed  through the rest of Short Hills P.P. before exiting on Effingham Rd at marker 41.9. Shortly, the Trail turned left onto a right-of-way near an old water-filled quarry. Here we skirted a field as the Trail follows an old road allowance before making a gradual ascent to just below the lip of the escarpment at marker 43.9. Here we we’re reminded of a similar hike last winter when we wrestled with a fresh snowfall of almost 1.5 feet. Today we are making good progress in excellent hiking weather and a dry trail. But, clouds are moving in. Continuing along the Trail it follows another fence line then descends to an old road allowance before making a steep ascent to the top of the Escarpment. From here it continuous through the woods to Rockway Rd at marker 45.7. Turning right the Trail follows Rockway Rd briefly before turning left across an open field and another wooded area. Crossing a small creek the Trail meets the Rockway Falls Side Trail. As we turn onto the Rockway Falls ST at km 46.0 and head down towards Fifteen Mile Creek we stop to read a sign warning that no creek crossing is possible during peak flow periods, We soon understood that warning as we came to the fast flowing and high water creek and discovered it was not crossable.

John led us back up to the main Trail and ascended another slope to emerge near Rockway Falls behind the Rockway Community Centre. 

Here we left the conservation area and followed the Trail along Rockway Rd westward, turning right onto Ninth St and continued downhill for about 150 m to climb a steep road embankment. At this point the Rockway Falls ST rejoins the main Trail and would have been our return to the main Trail.

From here we proceed on through mature hardwoods and pass a torn apart old log across the Trail which had held now trashed honey combs. 

Soon we cross one more creek with fast water and then a swampy area. Here the Trail turns west to follow a road allowance, passing by a vineyard

and re-enters the bush to reach the Louth Conservation Area. Now the clouds are getting heavier and it starts to snow as we progress along the picturesque high ground above Sixteen Mile Creek. Good footholds are now more difficult as snow accumulates and we leave the main Trail at km 49.8 to follow the Louth Side Trail up the Escarpment Slope and proceeded through snow covered dolostone rock rubble for a short distance before rejoining the main Trail at km 50.5

and shortly reach Staff Avenue at marker 51.0, just below the staged cars. 

We quickly recover the cars left off Roland Rd and carefully drive along snow covered roads to Tim’s on Bronte Rd. to share our stories.   

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